Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Start of 2nd Semester

Well, I sure haven't been on here in awhile, and I will explain why.  In the beginning of November I got a job at Bath and Body Works (YAY!), since I got it around the holidays I was working NONSTOP all through Black Friday up until Christmas Eve.  I would work from 6 and wouldn't get home until 11:30, and then wouldn't go to bed until 1 or 2 because I would be doing my homework.  Then I decided over break I would start blogging again, but I got caught up spending time with Brad and my friends.  So not that I'm 4 days into my 2nd semester I will let you know the classes I am taking.  My schedule this semester is one that I am very excited about I cover a few gen. eds and a couple classes that pertain to my major.  My schedule is: Cultural Anthropology (interesting course so far), British Literature I Old English to 1680, American Short Story, and French.  All my professors are really cool too! My Anthro professor is British and he's really funny, my British Lit teacher is really nice and VERY enthusiastic about the subject, my American short story professor reminds me a bit of Professor McGonagall from Harry Potter, she looks really mean but is actually very nice when you get to know her (so I've heard), and my French professor is actually from France so that's really cool.  This semester is very hard so far, so I will try my best to keep up with this blog haha! As for right now, the Bruins will be on in 10 minutes, and I need to see if my boys win! Hahah!