Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Things I've Learned In College

So, I've learned some things out of the classroom about college that I would like to share with you all.  It is everything that I have gathered now that my first semester is ending in a month! So here we go!
  1. Just because there are quiet hours during the week, and common courtesy hours 24/7, doesn't mean people are going to follow them.  So thank you so much people who think it's fun to bang on my door at 2 am like there is a fire. when in fact you are just being annoying and/or drunk.
  2. Even though you think writing/drawing penises on people's white boards is funny, others will not find it funny at all.  Thus they will report your act.
  3. Putting a fake bloody hand print of the door or the girl's bathroom was festive and funny (kinda), if the culprit does not fess up the entire floor will need to pay $100 in maintenance. Which I don't understand it wasn't detrimental damage, all it takes to take off is spray and a paper towel...
  4. There are still teacher's pets, enough said
  5. There are still those people who make a big scene about their good grade, I'm sorry I got a 98 on my essay and I didn't brag to the class...ZING!
  6. The boys side of the dorm smells so bad that you will want to vomit...literally I have gagged walking down their hall.
  7. You're in college, teachers are NOT going to hold your hand, you have to study on your own, please don't argue with the teacher because we did not go over the word "nar".
  8. Ladies, just because we are all girls, doesn't make it OK to leave feminine product wrappers and applicators on the bathroom floor. Sincerely, Extremely Grossed Out.
  9. Just because the walls are made of concrete doesn't mean the doors are, no one wants to hear you having sex.  Quite frankly, it was disturbing that I could hear you from 2 doors down....
  10. The definition of poor in college, it being completely out of quarters to do your laundry.  You get ghetto.  You take a $20 bill cash it into all ones, then stand at the vending machines putting the dollar in and then pressing coin return.
  11. Getting a washer and a dryer is basically a fight.  You may have a washer but you need to go down the the laundry room 10 minutes before the load is done.  Then you pick a dryer that is empty and sit on it until you can switch the loads.  There's a whole system.
Well that's all I can think of, CMAs are on so gottta go

    Wednesday, November 2, 2011

    Wow, It's Been A Long Time

    Well, it's been a long time since I've been on here!  By the time I am finished with my homework and have taken a shower, I usually forget to blog and when I remember I'm already snuggled up in bed.  So I am sorry!  You haven't missed much actually just been doing a lot of homework, writing papers and studying.  So, it hasn't been too interesting.  Hmm...let's see what have I done lately...oh last Monday I went to go see Hocus Pocus that was really fun, and for Halloween I didn't do anything had too much homework to do.  Plus with all the snow Halloween was either postponed OR cancelled! How do you explain to a little kid that they can't have Halloween?! I don't know if they will reschedule it, I hope they do for those little kids.  Halloween in the neighbor down the street wasn't cancelled, I heard they gave out big candy bars! haha! Yesterday I went and listen to the guest speaker, Magda Herzberger, she is a holocaust survivor.  Her story was really good!  She survived 3 death camps, she was separated from her father, mother and uncle.  Her father and uncle ended up passing away.  She was in Bergen-Belson when she was liberated by the British, she says that she still has the utmost respect for the British!  She was actually really healthy compared to her peers, so she worked in a hospital rehabilitating the survivor who were not so lucky.  She was then reunited with her mother, it was a very good story over all.  Magda is a writer, poet and a composer, she's also really funny! Her husband was watching her presentation, and she kept pointing him out telling us that they will be married 65 years come November 21st.  It was soo cute she told us the story of how they met in medical school, and how he gave her free tutoring lessons.  One day he asked her to describe her ideal man, and she told him she wanted to hear about his ideal woman!  As he was describing it she noticed that all of the characteristics were hers, so after he was done she said well I hope you find this ideal woman.  He told her that he already did that it was her and asked her to marry him! So cuteeeee!!! Hahah! She said she went home to her mother, and said "Mother, I am getting married!"  When her mom asked when she said next month, and the next month they were married! It was soo cute!  Today I didn't do much but go to class and come home and do math!  That's my night, see nothing too just need to wait 20 minutes before The Real World. Oh! Everyone needs to go to the website it's sooo funny!!!!!!!!!