Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I Hate Math, but Love Taylor Swft! (That's Who I'm Listening To)

I know I haven't blogged in awhile, so I am taking a break from my math homework (which I have been doing for about 2 1/2 hours) to blog.  Two weekends ago I got to go home and see Kellie! We had a sleep over and a movie night it was fun!!  I also wen to my Uncle Peter Larkin's surprise birthday, and I go to see my Grandpa Jack!  Last weekend I went to Brad's school for the weekend! :D I got there Friday night and left Sunday afternoon!  I had a lot of fun! We hung out with his friends, and he preformed magic for family weekend.  Actually he totally forgot that he signed up to preform, so it came as a shock to him!  He did the vanishing bandanna trick where he actually makes a banana disappear, it's all apart of the joke that goes along with the trick! He did a great job though! He had the girls behind us going "WTH?!??!??!" It was really funny!  So yesterday I went to the campus health center because lately every time I have something dairy like ice cream, cheese, and sour cream to name a few I get sick to my stomach.  It happened on Saturday night after Brad and I had pita sandwiches, and I had cheese and mayo as my toppings.  Soon after I ate it my stomach got upset for about 30-45 minutes.  So I texted Mom to see if I could have developed an allergy to dairy; she told me it was possible and to go to the CHS at some point during the week and avoid dairy until then.  I did as I was told, and Monday morning scheduled an appointment for 1 o'clock, and when I went as soon as I started listing my symptoms the doctor goes "Yup, you're definitely Lactose Intolerant, but don't worry it more than likely won't last your entire life."  So now I have to wait until I get some lactaid medicine until I can have ice cream and cheese again! Of course all of the good meals at the dining commons all have had cheese so I have to settle for the pasta, but tonight I had tacos and it was very upsetting not being able to put sour cream or cheese on it! So I doubled up on salsa! =) Mom's sending me some lactaid for me to have at school and Dad and Stacee are both getting me some so I can eat whatever cheesy milky goodness they make!  Tomorrow I am going on my 2nd field trip with my Chinese and Expos class to Chinatown in Boston for a historical tour and Dim Sum Lunch.  Now, I am NOT looking forward to Dim Sum, it's traditional Chinese food that is usually steamed veggies and dumplings. They people who work there push the dishes around on these carts and you pick what you want.  GROSS! I'm sorry Americanized Chinese food is my cup of tea.  Plus usually any Chinese food restaurant you go into isn't always the cleanest; I always try to avoid looking in the back of the kitchen because sometimes it isn't pretty! And everyone I've talked to who has had Dim Sum before says it's really gross even if you love Chinese food.  So I don't think I'll be able to try it.  Good thing we're not paying for it the school is! =)  Which I guess technically could mean that we're paying for it anyway...oh well.  Usually I'll try new things, but steamed veggies and dumplings which I don't like ANYWAY I don't think I can bring myself to it.  Sorry Laoshi I'm OK with missing the dining experience!  Oh well, I got to get back to math now! =/ I don't want to!!! ='(

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