Monday, September 5, 2011

Day Five

Today I still had the room to myself, but I was out and about doing things for the most part.  Like I went and had lunch with this girl who can hula hoop like a pro.  It was kind of awkward only because I didn't have anyone to eat with and neither did she so it was that awkward conversation exchanges, like "How about this weather, it doesn't know if it wants to rain or be sunny".  Whatever it was really nice to have someone to sit with.  Although I've learned in the five days I've been in college people actually like sitting by themselves; unlike high school where every one's like "OMG do like we go up to them and ask if they want to sit with us?!?! Look at this poor kid!!!" Which is nice because if you do end up sitting by yourself people don't look at you like you're a social outcast.  Anywho, after lunch I decided to do my laundry so I have all clean clothes for the first week of being a college student.  A lot of people weren't sure how to do their laundry, actually a kid posted on FB if a girl would come and help him! HAHA! But in the middle of doing my laundry I made a friend who actually lives right next door.  We bonded over the fact that there were people doing the macarena outside our windows and how the girl next door to them airs her dirty laundry out to EVERYONE.  She's always yelling at her boyfriend on the phone!  Her and her roommate invited me to dinner with them and another friend, who is HYSTERICAL! Then Meredith got home so I met up with her  so we could all see comedian Richie Holliday.  He was soooooooooo funny oh my gosh my stomach hurt from laughing so much! hahah! He has very crude humor, and I thought oh well this is a school I'm sure he's going to be like censored and stuff.  Nope, not at all, it was like being at an actual comedy show.  After that we went home and I took a shower.  When I came out is when the adventure began.  I found out that I was locked out of my room! So I went next door to Shauna and Caitlin's room and hung out there.  And would check my door occasionally to see if Meredith was back yet.  After like 30 minutes I decided to walk downstairs and tell the desk attendant I was locked out, which wasn't as embarrassing as I thought it would be.  They just shared stories about all the times they've been locked out.  However this did teach me to ALWAYS bring my key, even to the shower.  After I was let back in I put my towel and shower caddy away and hung out with Shauna, Caitlin, Netta, and Tyler.  It was sooo much fun. I came home when Meredith did, just because she has an early morning class and I didn't want to come in while she was sleeping, turn on my computer and type.  Plus I like hanging out with her, we always have a good time! Well that's it for now!

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