Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Teen Mom Tuesday...oh and 90210

 Today I almost fell asleep in psych.  Not because I was tired, but it was because it's SO BORING right now.  I get that you have to learn about all the boring stuff first before you can get to the good stuff, but COME ON!!! I spent 2 hours listening to my professor lecture about intelligence and whether or not it's based on genetics or atmosphere.  TWO HOURS!!!! It took a lot of strength to keep my eyes open, it was not easy at all.  So I just flipped through the slide show on my computer italicizing every key point, because that was more interesting.  We were talking about how if you lock a child up his intelligence level will never be met since he wasn't taught early enough.  I thought that with that point maybe he would bring up ferile (spelling?) children, something that I think is pretty interesting, but nope just continued to talk.  But we did get a short lesson about what causes twins to be identical or fraternal, some people didn't know what was different in the way they are conceived.  Once I got back to my room I ate ramen noodles because it was cold and rainy today!  Then I had math, joyous math, I know what he's talking about but I take notes anyway to not loose my attention.  He's sooo boring and talks to us like we're 5 years old.  He is not very fun to have as a teacher; and he says the same things OVER AND OVER again in the same like 3 sentences.  I get it! You want us to go on ALEKS, but why?!? We're not getting graded on it, and you're teaching us the same exact thing as what ALEKS would be teaching me!  So you made me take a 45 minute diagnostic test so it can tell me what I already know!?  Algebra: pretty good, could use some improvement.  Geometry: Really needs to work on it.  Thanks ALEKS I had NO idea about my proficiency in those subjects. Wow, you really opened my eyes.  I have to spend 3 hours on this site per week.  It's mandatory, but sometimes ALEKS will lose your hours so you may or may not get credit for your 3 hours. REALLY?! I hate math, it's just a HUGE pain in the butt.  Why did mathematicians need to make our lives more difficult by adding letters into mathematical equations? I'm perfectly content on just know how to add, subtract, multiple and divide.  I'm ok with it, I swear.  Oh well, that's my rant on math.  Well on the TV line up for tonight I have 90210, which I missed the season opener, but oh well what can you do?  Then it's the special 90-minute Teen Mom.  Seriously, Amber annoys me.  You are the one who caused all this trouble with yourself, not Gary.  You're the one who hit him a couple times, and he did nothing because he knew he would get in trouble if he hit you.  So I have no sympathy for you, crying on tv about CPS, you did it to yourself and now you have to live with the consequences.  Maci's my favorite she's so good, and Ryan I don't know about him.  What you see on the show is sometimes right, while other times it's conflicting with all of his stories and Maci's stories.  I guess they will only know the truth and tv just creates this drama.  Reality tv is pretty much scripted in a way.  I'm sure their conversations are real, but the producers are like oh well you can be the "villain" character.  Makes for good tv.  Farrah, hmm, she needs to lay off the bratty attitude sometimes, well most of the time.  As for Caitlin and Tyler, I don't have anything bad to say about them.  Maybe that when Caitlin does her narrating when it's their part of the show I wish she didn't yell into the microphone.  It always makes me jump.  You go for nice and quiet to: ME AND TYLER FOUND OUT THAT LIVING ON OUR OWN WAS TOO EXPENSIVE... Capital letters are for her yelling.  Just tone it down a bit.  Well I'm excited to watch it anyway, even though I have some complaints it's still a really good show.  So while I watch 90210 I'm going to fold my laundry after I get it in a few minutes.  Alright, well goodnight everyone!

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