Thursday, September 1, 2011

Move In Day!

Today I moved into my college dorm and OFFICIALLY became a college student! WOOO-HOOO!!!! The move actually wasn't too bad.  They had FSU upperclassmen help move us Freshies in, and they did it pretty quickly too.  When I went to sign in to get my key and ID they asked if I was moving in, obviously I said yes, or else I would be one lost kid if I didn't know where I was going! The helpers all cheered when I said I was moving into Larned Hall.  WOOOOOOOO!!! Next came meeting my roommate, Meredith, who I seem to have A LOT in common with so this will be a fun year! I unpacked a lot with the help of Mom and Dad, however I still need to hang a lot of my pictures up.  So far I only have my Eiffel Tower painting up.  The walls look kind of bland with nothing on them.  We had supper and then attended our floor meeting where we learned the inner workings of the campus.  And when NOT to knock on our RA's door, or call campus police.  Whose number they had us put in our phones! Haha! After our meeting it was time for the "Oasis Dance" in the old gym, which in my opinion and many others was very awkward and pretty much like going to your first high school dance.  It was a solid effort though, something to get us out of our rooms and getting associated with each other.  Meredith and I decided that we wanted to just walk around campus a couple times; since it is a really nice night out and our room was, and still kind of is, warm.  FSU is a very small campus so we walked around in its entirety.  As of right now, it feels like it should be way later than it actually is, but I'm not that tired.  Must be all the adrenaline and excitement of today's events! =) Well that's it for this post, I'm going to head to bed soon...I don't know if I change in my room or bathroom...this is all confusing hahahah! Goodnight everyone!

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