Friday, September 2, 2011

Day Two

Last night went really well, I didn't really feel homesick.  Maybe because we stayed up really late and by the time my head hit that pillow I was OUT! I woke up, obviously hahah, and decided to try my hand at these communal bathrooms.  Weirdest thing ever, and it going to take some getting used to.  There's 5 stalls with a good size changing area for each, then comes the actual shower...DUN DUN DUUUUNNN!  Let's just say it took me about two minutes to figure out how the dang thing turned on! But after that it was fine.  Maybe after a few uses I'll be totally used to it and understand how it all functions.  Me and my roommate, Meredith, went to breakfast, I think the Ram's Den was thing open because we must have missed the actual cafe's breakfast.  Regardless we still got fed.  One thing I do love about college is they just feed you ALL THE TIME!!! And let me tell you, with this campus and the absurd amount of hills you need all the food you need!  For lunch they had a "Freshmen Kickoff BBQ"  Which was DELICIOUS! They had a ton of banks offering different deals, and of course they came up to us pitching their accounts and features.  Meredith and I felt bad, but we threw the flyers away that we received.  I also got to buy my psych book, used, since I couldn't rent it.  There's lots of notes in there already! hahah! We came back to the room and I finished decorating my side of the room once I figure out how to post pictures on here I definitely will, but for now I'll upload it to Facebook.  I also organized my desk, and I did it very well in my opinion! Also I found out how cold this microfridge really gets, seeing that my Brita pitcher was frozen into a HUGE ice block, and the cokes were a little frosty on the outside.  So I stuck in on our window sill since the sun was beating down on it; after an hour it was finally defrosted and seems not to freeze again!  After supper we went to play trivia where we met some people since we played in teams.  Now, I thought that the trivia was going to be like pop culture, but it wasn't.  Instead it was like these ridiculously hard brain teasers.  There were a couple where I was like "HEY I know that one!!!" but not too many.  Now I am back in my hot dorm room counting down the hours until Stacee delivers my 15 ft extension cord so I can FINALLY use my desk lamp, alarm clock and put the fan by my face. Which will be great because we're supposed to have thunderstorms the next couple days, and that means lot of humidity! Welcome to life in the metro-west where snow, rain, and thunderstorms happen a lot.
P.S. just saw the button that lets you post pictures so I will include photo!
P.S.S Just kidding it was taking WAAAAYYYY too long Facebook it is!

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