Monday, September 12, 2011

Day...I don't even know, I lost count

I'm just going to start off by saying I love college.  I had a 2 hour Expos. class and she let us out 20 minutes early.  That NEVER happened in high school!!! My Psych. professor let us out 45 mins early on Friday, which was a blessing because it was a 830 am class for two hours too.  I like this whole sense of "Well, I don't have anything left to say, so uh you all can leave" it's AWESOME. I also like when you have book discussions and you throw something out in the open, the teacher accepts it and wants to know more.  Rather than saying "Oh well I see where you can get that from, but that's not the point I'm trying to make."  I love this! Can I stay in college FOREVER?! I would like the idea of that, however, I wouldn't like the debt.  Hmmm...what's happening for tomorrow? Well I have psych again for 2 hours then a break and then good old math.  My teacher's a complete idiot.  I'm sorry, even though this is a non-credited course we still need someone who can actually teach.  This guy failed his own math quiz...really FSU...REALLY?!?!  Good thing they have free tutors here.  So I am NOT looking forward to that class whatsoever, especially since it's two hours; and I tend to get really hungry during those 2 hour classes.  Maybe I'll buy me a snack beforehand.  Yep, that's what I am going to do!  Like today an Expos I was STARVING my stomach hurt soo bad, so as soon as I got home I stuffed my face with trail mix.  Then had baked ziti and salad for supper.  I don't particularly care for the tomato sauce here since it's kind of sweet.  I can only eat a little bit of it before it gets too gross.  Hence the side salad.  I have eaten so much since I came here, and I'm somewhat OK with it!  However, I did save $50 bucks on walking shoes from footlocker, so HELLO gym!  Gotta use them some how.  Plus it feels nice when you work out, I feel like I have accomplished something.  AND I paid for the gym when I paid my fees might as well get my money's worth right?  Because those were pretty pricey fees.  OH Chinese is getting more and more difficult by the day! It's fun but I think I'm going to take more French. Why not? I got as far as 4 years how about 3 1/2 more.  Maybe whenever I go back I can speak with a real French accent instead of my horrible American/French accent.  Plus, you look pretty cool if you're bilingual to a lot of people.  Personally, I think people who are trilingual are amazing.  Because that's a lot of languages to remember all the rules for.  Heck I forget half of the rules in French sometimes.  Like lui, and leur I always get them mixed up.  But if I take 3 1/2 years of college level courses...HELLO bilingual Cyndie.  I could be like a French tutor on the side of my English teacher job.  See how well this would all pan out.  That's it I'm officially going to minor in French! YAY!!! I FOUND MY MINOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =) Well, that's all I got for tonight, I promise I will start doing these daily again, but sometimes homework, and Jersey Shore are more important! ;)

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