Monday, September 19, 2011

I Have Some Explaining!

I know, I know I haven't blogged in like 3 days but I have very good reasons. On friday I ate a buffalo chicken wrap and french fries with a large coke, I didn't feel well at all.  So I went to bed early so I could be feeling better by the time Saturday morning came around so I could go see BRADLEY!! So I woke up Saturday still feeling eh, but good enough to go to Brad's school.  I had sooo much fun! We haven't seen each other in awhile so it was very nice being able to see his school and meet his friends. Oh, and to just spend time with him!  We had dinner at his school, which didn't make me feel too well, but apparently in his particular dining hall a lot a people don't feel good after eating there.  I don't know, but after a little while I felt a lot better.  Sunday his Grammy came and got me to take me back since she was the one who took me up there; and when I got back I didn't feel good at all again.  But this time was different.  I'm not going to get into specifics, because that would be gross so I'm just going to say that I was experiencing the symptoms of a UTI.  Which every girl can relate, well pretty much, and they SUCK! I was in tears on the phone with my dad trying to convince him to get me.  He told me that if he came to pick me up that it would do me NO good to be home since I wouldn't be able to go to the doctors until the morning anyway.  So I finally agreed and got off the phone with him.. Both Mom and Dad said to go to the dining commons to get a huge thing of cranberry juice to drink to help with everything until the morning.  So I did.  I filled up my 32 fl ounce water bottle with cranberry juice.  Then when it got down to 8 fl. ounces I went down to the snack bar to get another, oh I don't know, another 24 ounces.  So within like a span of 12 hours I drank 56 fl. ounces in cranberry juice.  This morning I e-mailed my Chinese teacher to tell her I wouldn't be able to go to her class because I had a doctors appointment at 10. I went down to the health clinic and they are sooo nice down there! hahah! They did the routine medical history stuff, and then I had to pee in a cup.  I was in the bathroom and had the sudden urge to pee, like these pesky UTI make you have, and I missed the cup.  I told the nurse and she said that it's ok that it usually happens with UTIs and to come back at 1.  I did and while I was waiting I relized that the big basket of free condoms it really just out in the open, and I saw some kid take like a huge handful before he walked out.  We made eye contact, and it was awkward. AHAHHA! But needless to say I got to pee in a cup again and actually made it! hahah!  She told me that I definitely had a UTI and gave me my medicine and sent me on my way.  I was able to make my Expos class where my paper was picked to be reviewed during writers workshop, which is the MOST awkward thing ever! Because you know what you wrote so she asked us to read the papers and I read mine to see if I spotted any mistakes, which I did.  However, everyone seemed to really like my paper so I was happy about that.  They told me the only thing to change was to review my sentence structure, and a better hook.  My teacher said that she really liked my paper when she graded them individually.  Not too shabby for my first college paper!  Well, the new "Two and a Half Men" is on so I can't wait to see how Ashton Kutcher does! Ta-ta for now!

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