Thursday, September 29, 2011

Happy Jerzday!!! =)

 I decided to blog while my youtube video is loading, they take FOREVER to load here it's awful! I finally added a minor, and it's french!! I have an even BIGGER story that is the reason why I don't like some of the administration here.  So I bring the slip down to the Registrar Office and say I have a slip adding a minor.  Now there's two copies the top is for them and the bottom is for me.  The guy looks at me and says, "Where's the bottom?" I told him that it was in my room because the lady at CASA told me to keep it.  So he rolls his eyes and says, "Ok you're all set." I was about to leave when I decided to ask him to check something for me which he gave me attitude for! I asked if he can check that my concentration says that I am an English major with a concentration in Secondary Ed.  He was like ugh well can I see your ID so I gave it to him and he types it into the computer and he's like it just says general English.  I said, "Well what does that mean?" "That you're just an English major" I told him when I applied I put English major with a concentration in Sec. Ed. He was like yeah you probably just messed it up somehow.  So I asked him how I can fix it to where it's right.  And he was like well you need to get the Education Department chair to sign for you, like you did with the Mod. Language.  Thanks Captain Obvious, are you gunna stand there or tell me where to get another form or are you just gunna go back to your little desk!? I didn't say that although I really wanted to!  So I was going to run back to CASA to ask for another form and he was like "Where are you going?" I said, "Umm, to CASA to get another form" "Did you not see the ones right there?" "Nope, thanks for pointing it out though"  So I fill it out and go to the Education Department where I get attitude from ANOTHER person!!! I asked if I could see the department chair "She's not in what do you need?" "I need to get this signed so I can concentrate in Secondary Ed." "Oh well she'll be here tomorrow sign up and I'll just write what you need" "OK thanks"  I go back to get the sheet she puts the initials in the WRONG PLACE!! I said "Oh I don't want to minor in Secondary Ed, I want to concentrate it." "Yeah it's the same thing" "UM, no that's not what I was told, my minor is French I need to concentrate in Secondary Ed." "No, it doesn't matter it'll be fine either way" I just left.  A concentration is a based on what your major is.  So since I am in English major I will focus on EVERYTHING a regular English major is going to focus on, but I will concentrate in Secondary Ed that will correspond with my major. I'm not minoring in it.  It's just a focus and it will be linked with my major.  Almost like a dual major, just not as much work.  I don't know we'll see what the Chairman says about it, I'll grab a new form just in case too.  Which leads me to another point, I have to RUN from psych to Dwight hall to make my appointment, but I'm going to tell my psych teacher that I have to leave early so he doesn't think I'm just randomly walking out of his class.  Or maybe he'll let us out early since he usually does when people are not engaged in the classroom conversation.  My bet is on he'll let us out early regardless, but I'll still give him a heads up. I'm usually one of the first one's there, and he likes me since I always pay attention even though the class is SUPER boring!! Well, I'm going to get ready for Grey's Anatomy AND Jersey Shore! Two great shows all in one night! YAY!

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