Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First Day of Classes

So you always imagine the first day of school going amazingly well, I did, but I was sooo wrong!  Don't get me wrong, my first "class" (you'll find out why there's a reason for the quotes) was good I really liked the teacher, until I found out that wasn't my actual class.  Turns out FSU screwed up my schedule.  Here, I'll back track.  In the beginning of June I logged on to myframingham, a site we are all members of to mange classes and pay bills, I checked out my classes and was like sweet I know my schedule.  I had Gen. Psych, Expos. Writing, Chinese, and math, sweet.  Well then came June 25th, freshman orientation for English and History majors.  During this time we were issued a schedule and I had all new classes, well I was missing Chinese and instead had Effective Speaking, but whatever I was like maybe I'll take that next semester.  So I bought all the books I needed for my supposed classes.  Today I was ready to go knew my Expos (Expository Writing) class was at 1230, went to lunch and all was good.  Then I got to class, he didn't mention anything about the book I bought and Writing China, the Expos class linked to Elementary Chinese, that's when the red flag popped up.  UH-OH I'M THAT KID!!!!!!!!!!! Has the wrong class and everything!  I went down to CASA which is an academic center to maybe try to get some answers.  I told them that I didn't know which of the TWO, count 'em TWO, schedules to follow the lady goes "Well, you need to follow myframingham" No "oh I'm sorry let me see what you're talking about" just a rude mean lady to a little tiny freshman who's on the verge of tears for the fact that I probably just made the WORST impression to my college professors. That's serious business.  I RAN, backpack in all, back to my dorm room and started flipping through my survival guide I was given trying to find some answers. Couldn't find it.  I went down the to desk attendant and asked her what to do since my RA was in class.  She told me I should follow the schedule on myframingham since those are the classes I'm registered in.  So I went back upstairs called Stacee, crying, telling her I didn't know what to do.  I found that the paper schedule said Office of Registrar, so she told me to go down there once I collected myself.  I went back downstairs and asked where this office was and she told me where to go. When I got there the guy just shrugged his shoulders at me and said, "Just follow myframingham, those are the classes you need." THEN HE JUST WALKED AWAY.  I walked back to my dorm holding back tears cause I didn't want people to look at me funny and be like what's this girls problem.  I called Stacee back and she called them and basically then did the same thing to her just blew her off, and she ended up saying that they suck as an office. HAHA! But while she did that I called Mom upset because I was like I can't believe I missed my first classes, I was very upset.  Then her and Stacee told me to go down to the Office of Registrar and demand an answer and say I wouldn't leave until I had the right schedule in my hands.  I did and the guy who helped me before was like "Well, we don't handle that you need to go to CASA they do schedule and talk to your advisor", because by that time he realized he was dealing with a freshman who was very frustrated and confused.  I marched back down to CASA and the new lady was soooooo nice.  She helped me right away and I explained EVERYTHING I possibly could and she fixed everything for me.  Because I couldn't see when my psych class was and she was like oh you just need to click the course number, WELL thanks FSU for telling me that when it's a bit too late.  After I told her about today's travels she looked at me and said, "You, my friend, have had a very tough day, but I promise it gets better.  And there's no need to worry about missing your first day many people do since we're still in the add/drop period and there was a power outage yesterday, so don't even stress about it." That calmed me down a lot, I felt less like a slacker HAHA! Then came the returning of the books.  I couldn't find the receipts so I was hopeful that maybe they would let me return them if I gave them my card and ID of something.  So I run to the book store since it closed in 20 minutes and I set the alarm off with the books.  The lady looks at me and she's like what are you doing with these books?!? Well first off lady, I don't steal, and if you keep up this unneeded attitude I will punch you in the face, let's go.  Of course I didn't say that, that's just plain mean, instead I said "I need to return these" "Well do you have the receipts?" "No..." "Well then you can try but it probably won't happen."  Well thanks for that reassuring...  I get in line and once I get up there the girl tells me I need to find the receipts or print out my bank statement, that has the purchase.  OK that's fair.  I said "If I come back in 10 mins will I be able to return them?" She said "Yep you just need to stand in line again" So I RAN as fast as I could back to my dorm found on receipt in my drawer and the other at the top of my trash and ran back down there out of breath, showing the mean grouchy lady I had my receipts this time. =P I got them returned and then rented the right psych book.  No I am all set with everything, thankfully, and I'm in a much better mood.  Hoping that tomorrow goes by extremely well, guess this is the whole growing up figuring things out on your own your parents tell you about your entire life.  Because today mad me wanna go back to high school where everything's always all set up for you in a not confusing way at all.  But I'm glad that I got it all straightened out and will be attending the RIGHT classes tomorrow.  So technically that will be the first day of classes for me!

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