Friday, September 9, 2011

Polar Bear on the Attack

That was the headline on the new like 30 seconds ago.  I know, I know I didn't write in my blog last night, and there's a good reason for it.  Well one, Jersey Shore was on and you know I can't miss my boy Pauly D ;) and two I had an 8:30 Psych lecture! So sorry for the delay.  And if any one's curious about Jersey Shore, I CAN'T BELIEVE RONNIE AND SAMMI ARE BACK TOGETHER!!! Ahhhhh they're sooo annoying!!  Any way, after Jersey Shore I went to bed. Then this morning I took a shower got dressed and went down for breakfast.  Where I made my own waffle, we have a waffle maker and it's fun.  Although my waffle came out a little flimsy.  After that I went to psych and it was alright, had to read 20 pages and take notes, no big deal or anything.  Then I had Chinese which is always fun, and then I had foundations; which is a class that's supposed to help us with registering for classes and how to manage college life in effective ways. After that I came home and started on my mountainous load of homework, took a break and went to dinner because I was STARVING, and then finished up.  Now I only have to write the first draft of a one page essay and I'm all done for the weekend. After a while of being done with my homework I just was online, youtube and facebook...the usual.  Then I went down to the Ram's Den because I was hungry again and got a small quesadilla. When I got back Brad and I skyped for a bit! I can't wait to see him in a couple weeks!!!! =)  And as of right now we were watching the news since everyone's talking about the possible Terror attacks on or around the 10th anniversary of 9/11.  I know for a fact that to be on the safe side I will not take any trains this weekend.  Even though Boston isn't one of their targets, but you never know what will happen with things like this.  So I just would like to remain on the safe side, as the governor said to do.  Although it would be really nice to go to some of the ceremonies that will be taking place on Sunday.  However, I do believe that my school will be holding a vigil that I will go to, just to do something to commemorate this unbelievable anniversary.  Even though I didn't lose anyone personally, to me, and many Americans, 9/11 has a very special place in my heart and I have always wanted to do something.  Whether it be plant flowers or simply just stand in a moment of silence for the people and heroes who lost their lives.  If there's nothing going on maybe I'll just do my own moment of silence for everyone! Sounds good to me! Well I am going to watch a bit more tv then go to sleep, because today was a LONG day. NIGHT!

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