Thursday, September 15, 2011

It's JERZDAY!!!!!!!!!

Well last night I was very tired, I was actually falling asleep on my computer I was so tired.  Anyways today, well tonight really, there was a hypontist, who was VERY R-rated like the flyer said!  His name was Frank Santos Jr. and he's from Rhode Island, so by default his acccent is slightly annoying but whatever. You may ask, 'R-rated'?" Well, my friends I will answer that.  Most of his hyponitic jokes had a lot to do with the male anatomy, and losing of one's male anatomy.  Let's just say there was a guy running around the auditorium trying to catch his, umm, well peepee! hahaha! Funniest thing I've seen.  There was a kid who had a go to the bathroom so bad, but didn't know where the bathroom was and he couldn't understand what the audience was saying.  Poor kid, he was so confused, but it was SOOO funny! I was also very hot today, like muggy and gross. I actually broke a sweat getting dressed and walking to and from the bathroom, which is a mere ten steps.  Just to show how hot it is.  I actually put the fan up to my face and kept it there for like ten minutes.  It ended up POURING and now it's actually pretty chilly out so the gust of wind are blowing cool air into our room!  Which is so nice! I don't know why but I am STARVING! I had pizza and a salad for supper and ice cream for dessert; maybe all the laughing I did made me hungry. Which leads me to another point my floor was suppose to put on a midnight pancake party at percisely 11:59 pm and now it's cancelled. Even though I have an 8:30 am class tomorrow I was gunna go! There was going to be lots o'pancake mix with toppings galore, and now it's cancelled. Great now I have nothing to look forward to except for Jersey Shore, and I have to find something more to eat.  OHH I forgot there's vending machines downstairs..maybe they'll have a candy bar I just want something sweet and I don't wanna walk down the HUGE hill by my res hall.  Call me lazy I don't care, that hill's HUGE! It is not going to be a fun winter this year.  However I think I have found a way to get around for the winter. I'll just have to take the long way, in the bitter cold... It's alright, I'll be ok...thanks for the concern! =) I'm listening to Miss B. Spears right now, she's so awesome. Her video for "I Wanna Go" is really good hahah! Personally I like her song "How I Roll", it has a nice beat! =) AHHH 15 minutes until Jersey Shore!! Oh on the topic of the JS, if you watch it, or have seen an episode, you'll know how Pauly D (my favorite by the way) always says "YEAAAHHH BUUUUDDDDYYYYY!" All the time! Well, we asked our Chinese prof how you would say that in Chinese. And she told us and it's soo funny! I don't know the exact spelling but it's pronounce "Die (Dai, is the actual spelling) Poyo" AHAHAH soo funny, I've been saying it soo much, so now I know how to say yeah buddy, hi and goodbye in Chinese and that's about it. Well I'm gunna see if there's any candy down stairs! Night!

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