Sunday, September 25, 2011

Relaxing Sunday Night

Well, the reason that I didn't blog as much this week was because I had a really tough week.  I had a Chinese quiz, a Chinese test, and a Math quiz.  I studied SO hard for the Chinese quiz on the radicals, which are little symbols that determine what the characters are, and I didn't do so well. Then came the Chinese test and Math test on the same day! Chinese I studied really hard again and I haven't gotten those scores back, but I am not feeling too confident with it.  The same goes for my math test! On Friday my day was alright just really exhausted for the week so went to bed kind of early.  Then on Saturday Dad and my brothers came and got me.  After I got in the car Dad told me that my Puppa, my Grandma Jan's dad, is in the hospital because he has prostate cancer.  Apparently it was for a really long time too, and at 87 the level of it should be 200 and he's at 2200, or something like that.  I'm pretty sure Dad said that Puppa didn't tell anyone he was sick and he cancelled all of his doctors appointment for about 20 years.  So Saturday I spent 6 hours at South Shore Hospital because it didn't look like he was going to make it through the night.  When I finally saw him I lost it; he looked EXACTLY how my grandma did a couple days before she passed away.  So I broke down because one, he's my Puppa and I only feel close to him because I used to go to his house with Grandma ALL the time and bring him his favorite cake.  We always had tea and the chocolate covered cherry cake we would make him on occasion.  So my Auntie Ellen took me for a walk and once we got back we all went down to the cafeteria to get food since they were moving him into a private room.  Man, was he still feisty as ever though getting angry at people.  He yelled at my Uncle Pete when OJ got spilled on him by his own doing.  He looked at Uncle Pete and said "Look what you just did!" It was soo funny!  We hung out for a little while and then said our goodbyes.  Dad said that the doctors said he would get through the night, but they're not too sure about the week.  So last night I just sat and watched TV.  This morning I slept in and watched Say Yes to the Dress and then watched my favorite movie Life As We Know It.  Stacee came and got me and we went to a movie and then dinner.  She came back up to my dorm since she hasn't seen it yet and then she went home.  Now I am sitting in my sauna of a room watching the first episode to the final season of Desperate Housewives!  Hopefully I won't be too busy this week so I can keep up on my blog!  For now I got to catch up with my ladies from Wisteria Lane!

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