Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Things I've Learned In College

So, I've learned some things out of the classroom about college that I would like to share with you all.  It is everything that I have gathered now that my first semester is ending in a month! So here we go!
  1. Just because there are quiet hours during the week, and common courtesy hours 24/7, doesn't mean people are going to follow them.  So thank you so much people who think it's fun to bang on my door at 2 am like there is a fire. when in fact you are just being annoying and/or drunk.
  2. Even though you think writing/drawing penises on people's white boards is funny, others will not find it funny at all.  Thus they will report your act.
  3. Putting a fake bloody hand print of the door or the girl's bathroom was festive and funny (kinda), if the culprit does not fess up the entire floor will need to pay $100 in maintenance. Which I don't understand it wasn't detrimental damage, all it takes to take off is spray and a paper towel...
  4. There are still teacher's pets, enough said
  5. There are still those people who make a big scene about their good grade, I'm sorry I got a 98 on my essay and I didn't brag to the class...ZING!
  6. The boys side of the dorm smells so bad that you will want to vomit...literally I have gagged walking down their hall.
  7. You're in college, teachers are NOT going to hold your hand, you have to study on your own, please don't argue with the teacher because we did not go over the word "nar".
  8. Ladies, just because we are all girls, doesn't make it OK to leave feminine product wrappers and applicators on the bathroom floor. Sincerely, Extremely Grossed Out.
  9. Just because the walls are made of concrete doesn't mean the doors are, no one wants to hear you having sex.  Quite frankly, it was disturbing that I could hear you from 2 doors down....
  10. The definition of poor in college, it being completely out of quarters to do your laundry.  You get ghetto.  You take a $20 bill cash it into all ones, then stand at the vending machines putting the dollar in and then pressing coin return.
  11. Getting a washer and a dryer is basically a fight.  You may have a washer but you need to go down the the laundry room 10 minutes before the load is done.  Then you pick a dryer that is empty and sit on it until you can switch the loads.  There's a whole system.
Well that's all I can think of, CMAs are on so gottta go

    Wednesday, November 2, 2011

    Wow, It's Been A Long Time

    Well, it's been a long time since I've been on here!  By the time I am finished with my homework and have taken a shower, I usually forget to blog and when I remember I'm already snuggled up in bed.  So I am sorry!  You haven't missed much actually just been doing a lot of homework, writing papers and studying.  So, it hasn't been too interesting.  Hmm...let's see what have I done lately...oh last Monday I went to go see Hocus Pocus that was really fun, and for Halloween I didn't do anything had too much homework to do.  Plus with all the snow Halloween was either postponed OR cancelled! How do you explain to a little kid that they can't have Halloween?! I don't know if they will reschedule it, I hope they do for those little kids.  Halloween in the neighbor down the street wasn't cancelled, I heard they gave out big candy bars! haha! Yesterday I went and listen to the guest speaker, Magda Herzberger, she is a holocaust survivor.  Her story was really good!  She survived 3 death camps, she was separated from her father, mother and uncle.  Her father and uncle ended up passing away.  She was in Bergen-Belson when she was liberated by the British, she says that she still has the utmost respect for the British!  She was actually really healthy compared to her peers, so she worked in a hospital rehabilitating the survivor who were not so lucky.  She was then reunited with her mother, it was a very good story over all.  Magda is a writer, poet and a composer, she's also really funny! Her husband was watching her presentation, and she kept pointing him out telling us that they will be married 65 years come November 21st.  It was soo cute she told us the story of how they met in medical school, and how he gave her free tutoring lessons.  One day he asked her to describe her ideal man, and she told him she wanted to hear about his ideal woman!  As he was describing it she noticed that all of the characteristics were hers, so after he was done she said well I hope you find this ideal woman.  He told her that he already did that it was her and asked her to marry him! So cuteeeee!!! Hahah! She said she went home to her mother, and said "Mother, I am getting married!"  When her mom asked when she said next month, and the next month they were married! It was soo cute!  Today I didn't do much but go to class and come home and do math!  That's my night, see nothing too just need to wait 20 minutes before The Real World. Oh! Everyone needs to go to the website it's sooo funny!!!!!!!!!

    Wednesday, October 19, 2011

    Dim Sum and Chinatown In the Pouring Rain

    Today my Chinese and Expos class went on a field trip to Boston's Chinatown for a tour and Dim Sum lunch.  For those who don't know what Dim Sum is, it is traditional Chinese food eaten mostly in HongKong; the food is all steamed.  So we get to the Dim Sum restaurant and it didn't look like your typical Chinese restaurant it was actually nice.  We sat at this big round table and then the servers started coming with the bamboo steamers, and we began to pick which ones we wanted.  We got a lot of seafood, pork and beef dumplings, but the most extreme thing we got and 4 girls (my class is all girls) tried chicken feet.  Yes that's right a foot of the chicken it was gross watching them eat it, but hey they were braver than the rest of us!  I really like the sweet stuff haha it was the only ones that smelled good and didn't make me want to gag; OH I also liked the rice! My favorites dishes were Chilled Coconut and Watermelon soup, this pumpkin pancake thing, and sesame balls.  The chilled soup was served out of a hollowed watermelon; they put coconut milk, the balled watermelon and tapioca beads in it and it tasted like PURE sugar! So yummy I had two bowls full! It wasn't filling since it was mostly watery! Then I had the orange circle thing but it was made from pumpkin, and if it had a bit more cinnamon in it they would have tasted exactly like pumpkin pie! The sesame balls tasted like a sesame seed bagel with peanut butter on it.  The "peanut butter" was actually in the inside and it was a red bean paste.  It tasted pretty good.  I didn't have the savory dumplings because I didn't want to take the chance of getting sick; since a lot of other countries don't always cook their meat like we do.  I know in France they serve their meat almost raw unless you ask for it cooked more thoroughly, and their eggs are hardly cooked.  They are able to stomach it, but we can't really unless you're used to that stuff.  After our interesting lunch we went on a tour of Chinatown, in the POURING rain!  It was an hour long tour, and we could barely hear the guy because of Boston traffic; we weren't really paying attention because we were all soaking wet and FREEZING!  We couldn't wait until we got back onto the bus!  So that was my day hahah!  If you want a better explanation of Dim Sum if you google it and go to wikipedia it will tell you more! haha!  Now I'm going to watch food network challenge before the Real World

    Tuesday, October 18, 2011

    I Hate Math, but Love Taylor Swft! (That's Who I'm Listening To)

    I know I haven't blogged in awhile, so I am taking a break from my math homework (which I have been doing for about 2 1/2 hours) to blog.  Two weekends ago I got to go home and see Kellie! We had a sleep over and a movie night it was fun!!  I also wen to my Uncle Peter Larkin's surprise birthday, and I go to see my Grandpa Jack!  Last weekend I went to Brad's school for the weekend! :D I got there Friday night and left Sunday afternoon!  I had a lot of fun! We hung out with his friends, and he preformed magic for family weekend.  Actually he totally forgot that he signed up to preform, so it came as a shock to him!  He did the vanishing bandanna trick where he actually makes a banana disappear, it's all apart of the joke that goes along with the trick! He did a great job though! He had the girls behind us going "WTH?!??!??!" It was really funny!  So yesterday I went to the campus health center because lately every time I have something dairy like ice cream, cheese, and sour cream to name a few I get sick to my stomach.  It happened on Saturday night after Brad and I had pita sandwiches, and I had cheese and mayo as my toppings.  Soon after I ate it my stomach got upset for about 30-45 minutes.  So I texted Mom to see if I could have developed an allergy to dairy; she told me it was possible and to go to the CHS at some point during the week and avoid dairy until then.  I did as I was told, and Monday morning scheduled an appointment for 1 o'clock, and when I went as soon as I started listing my symptoms the doctor goes "Yup, you're definitely Lactose Intolerant, but don't worry it more than likely won't last your entire life."  So now I have to wait until I get some lactaid medicine until I can have ice cream and cheese again! Of course all of the good meals at the dining commons all have had cheese so I have to settle for the pasta, but tonight I had tacos and it was very upsetting not being able to put sour cream or cheese on it! So I doubled up on salsa! =) Mom's sending me some lactaid for me to have at school and Dad and Stacee are both getting me some so I can eat whatever cheesy milky goodness they make!  Tomorrow I am going on my 2nd field trip with my Chinese and Expos class to Chinatown in Boston for a historical tour and Dim Sum Lunch.  Now, I am NOT looking forward to Dim Sum, it's traditional Chinese food that is usually steamed veggies and dumplings. They people who work there push the dishes around on these carts and you pick what you want.  GROSS! I'm sorry Americanized Chinese food is my cup of tea.  Plus usually any Chinese food restaurant you go into isn't always the cleanest; I always try to avoid looking in the back of the kitchen because sometimes it isn't pretty! And everyone I've talked to who has had Dim Sum before says it's really gross even if you love Chinese food.  So I don't think I'll be able to try it.  Good thing we're not paying for it the school is! =)  Which I guess technically could mean that we're paying for it anyway...oh well.  Usually I'll try new things, but steamed veggies and dumplings which I don't like ANYWAY I don't think I can bring myself to it.  Sorry Laoshi I'm OK with missing the dining experience!  Oh well, I got to get back to math now! =/ I don't want to!!! ='(

    Thursday, October 6, 2011


    I know I haven't blogged since LAST Jerzday, but I have a reason!  Friday I was really tired so I just went to bed early, and I was really busy over the weekend.  My Puppa passed away on Sunday morning, and Monday through Wednesday I was at home.  My dad came and got me Monday night, so I would be able to go to his wake and funeral.  My Puppa's wake was much more different than my grandma's.  There wasn't as many people at his mostly just the immediate family and friends of his girlfriend, or both him and his girlfriend.  Not too sure.  We all just hung around for a while then I went home with Auntie Lindsay, and tried to fry eggs.  I realized that I wasn't cooking them the way I wanted to; I wanted them over easy, but I kept getting them hard.  Oh well! So I just scrambled them.  Later I hate like 1/2 the bag of cheez-its. hahha!  Then Wednesday morning we went to my Puppa's funeral.  My cousin Robyn was supposed to read along with my cousin Jenna, but Robyn didn't feel too well so my dad read for her.  Before he even got up there he tried to get me to read it, but I said nuh-uh! I didn't want to go up there!  After the service we started the procession.  Since my Puppa is a WWII vet he had the flag draped over his casket all through the wake and service and even at the cemetery.  Now, I have never been to a military involved funeral (thankfully), but it was really interesting and that's where it got more emotional.  After the priest (?) gave his sermon 2 men came, maybe in the army since that's what my Puppa was in.  One stood saluting his casket while the other played "Taps" off in the distance.  That's the SADDEST song I've ever heard!! I thought they only did that in movies, but no it's a real song!  Then once they were done with 'Taps" the man who was playing it stood saluting, and once they were done they began the folding of the flag.  The only time I have ever seen the flag folded was during a how to speech in Public Speaking.  Seeing it done for real was VERY different.  They didn't say all the commands in those loud voices instead one just tugged on the flag to signal that it was time for the next fold.  It was so emotional by that time!  Out of all my uncles, my uncle Fred was the only one who joined the Army.  So my Uncle Pete, Uncle David, and Elaine all thought that Uncle Fred would appreciate the flag more than they would.  They didn't tell him that he was going to get the flag, so when he was given the flag he just started to cry.  It was really sad, but we were all happy that he got it so it was nice.  Now I am back at school, and I am waiting for Jersey Shore to come on in 5 mins!!!!!!!!!!! And everything I just said is why I didn't blog the last week! Very very busy!  Only 3 more episodes before Snooki, JWOWW, Sammi, Ron, DJ Pauly D, Vinny and Mike "The Situation" leave Italy... ='( In the words of Snooks WAAAHHHH

    Thursday, September 29, 2011

    Happy Jerzday!!! =)

     I decided to blog while my youtube video is loading, they take FOREVER to load here it's awful! I finally added a minor, and it's french!! I have an even BIGGER story that is the reason why I don't like some of the administration here.  So I bring the slip down to the Registrar Office and say I have a slip adding a minor.  Now there's two copies the top is for them and the bottom is for me.  The guy looks at me and says, "Where's the bottom?" I told him that it was in my room because the lady at CASA told me to keep it.  So he rolls his eyes and says, "Ok you're all set." I was about to leave when I decided to ask him to check something for me which he gave me attitude for! I asked if he can check that my concentration says that I am an English major with a concentration in Secondary Ed.  He was like ugh well can I see your ID so I gave it to him and he types it into the computer and he's like it just says general English.  I said, "Well what does that mean?" "That you're just an English major" I told him when I applied I put English major with a concentration in Sec. Ed. He was like yeah you probably just messed it up somehow.  So I asked him how I can fix it to where it's right.  And he was like well you need to get the Education Department chair to sign for you, like you did with the Mod. Language.  Thanks Captain Obvious, are you gunna stand there or tell me where to get another form or are you just gunna go back to your little desk!? I didn't say that although I really wanted to!  So I was going to run back to CASA to ask for another form and he was like "Where are you going?" I said, "Umm, to CASA to get another form" "Did you not see the ones right there?" "Nope, thanks for pointing it out though"  So I fill it out and go to the Education Department where I get attitude from ANOTHER person!!! I asked if I could see the department chair "She's not in what do you need?" "I need to get this signed so I can concentrate in Secondary Ed." "Oh well she'll be here tomorrow sign up and I'll just write what you need" "OK thanks"  I go back to get the sheet she puts the initials in the WRONG PLACE!! I said "Oh I don't want to minor in Secondary Ed, I want to concentrate it." "Yeah it's the same thing" "UM, no that's not what I was told, my minor is French I need to concentrate in Secondary Ed." "No, it doesn't matter it'll be fine either way" I just left.  A concentration is a based on what your major is.  So since I am in English major I will focus on EVERYTHING a regular English major is going to focus on, but I will concentrate in Secondary Ed that will correspond with my major. I'm not minoring in it.  It's just a focus and it will be linked with my major.  Almost like a dual major, just not as much work.  I don't know we'll see what the Chairman says about it, I'll grab a new form just in case too.  Which leads me to another point, I have to RUN from psych to Dwight hall to make my appointment, but I'm going to tell my psych teacher that I have to leave early so he doesn't think I'm just randomly walking out of his class.  Or maybe he'll let us out early since he usually does when people are not engaged in the classroom conversation.  My bet is on he'll let us out early regardless, but I'll still give him a heads up. I'm usually one of the first one's there, and he likes me since I always pay attention even though the class is SUPER boring!! Well, I'm going to get ready for Grey's Anatomy AND Jersey Shore! Two great shows all in one night! YAY!

    Wednesday, September 28, 2011

    Real World Wednesdays..doesn't have a great ring to it

    So last night I didn't blog.  Not because I was lazy or didn't feel like it, but I spent 5 hours, I repeat FIVE HOURS, studying Chinese.  No, not just studying Chinese, writing 13 characters 32 times! That's 416 characters in total! Then I quizzed myself on them for like 2 hours.  It was hard work let me tell you.  I took breaks though. One for 90210, showering, and Teen Mom.  They were all well deserved.  So today as you would assume, I had a Chinese test, and in all honesty I am feeling really confident in it! My professor said she will get them back to us by tomorrow! Fingers crossed!  After Chinese we went on a class field trip to the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem to visit the Yin Yu Tang house; which is a real house from China that was shipped over in 2003.  This house is totally authentic, even the furniture is original.  It is 200 years old and has lived through the Ming and Qing dynasties.  We learned many different things, like babies didn't and still don't wear diapers.  There's a slit in their pants and they just go wherever and someone will clean it up.  Apparently Chinese moms can tell when their babies need to go to the bathroom, like newborns.  We were all a little grossed out.  We also learned about the feet binding which they start when the girls are babies.  In most cases the toes become SO broken they curl up under.  The process hurts, as you can imagine, and the mothers lay on their daughters feet so they can sleep.  So sad!  Which leads me to another point, the entire family sleeps in one room.  So the mother, father, and siblings all sleep in the same bed.  It's insane! These rooms are like master bedrooms either, let's put it this way, my dorm room is bigger than their room by half.  You can fit two of these rooms in my dorm room.  That's definitely saying something! The house was soo beautiful, there's no ceiling because the Chinese believe that rain is good and will make the crops plentiful, and of course they will be given an abundance of sons.  When it comes to decorating the house they have to have everything symmetrical.  Everything needs to be even, they believe that it will create peace within their homes.  Every decoration they have, and the way it is set up all has a reason.  They hope if they place things in certain ways they will be given many fortunes through out their lives.  The Chinese culture is really interesting.  When a woman marries a man she is basically abandoning her village and her family name.  A wedding really isn't seen as anything too special as it is here.  Once the couple is married they go and live with the husband's parents, where it is expected of them to care for the in-laws.  I hope you enjoyed your lesson on Chinese culture! It's time for me to watch The Real World!

    Monday, September 26, 2011

    Monday Not A Fun Day

    Today I woke up and didn't want to go to school.  I realized I'm already at school, and so I changed it to I don't want to go to class.  I forced myself, but it was no fun! In Chinese we found out that our test on Wednesday she is going to give us  a sentence in Chinese, and then we have to write the characters!!!!!!!!!!!!  And these characters are NO JOKE! They're so hard to remember.  But at CASA which is a tutoring center there's a kid who's actually from China, and he has agreed to tutor the Chinese students.  So I went down to CASA at 7 since that was when it started, and more than half of my class showed up.  8 out of 13 students came, and he didn't even show up!  So we decided to go into the library for a study session, and when you pair 8 kids who have NO IDEA about Chinese it kind of turns pointless, but fun nonetheless.  Also it's like a sauna out here, like I am legit sweating right now as I type this.  It's disgusting.  It doesn't even look like it's going to cool down soon either.  BUT COME ON! It's pretty much OCTOBER and it's still like 80 degrees, when it should be like 60 something during the day and like 40s at night.  Yes, I am actually asking for cold weather.  But I need to go to sleep early so I can actually get up easier!

    Sunday, September 25, 2011

    Relaxing Sunday Night

    Well, the reason that I didn't blog as much this week was because I had a really tough week.  I had a Chinese quiz, a Chinese test, and a Math quiz.  I studied SO hard for the Chinese quiz on the radicals, which are little symbols that determine what the characters are, and I didn't do so well. Then came the Chinese test and Math test on the same day! Chinese I studied really hard again and I haven't gotten those scores back, but I am not feeling too confident with it.  The same goes for my math test! On Friday my day was alright just really exhausted for the week so went to bed kind of early.  Then on Saturday Dad and my brothers came and got me.  After I got in the car Dad told me that my Puppa, my Grandma Jan's dad, is in the hospital because he has prostate cancer.  Apparently it was for a really long time too, and at 87 the level of it should be 200 and he's at 2200, or something like that.  I'm pretty sure Dad said that Puppa didn't tell anyone he was sick and he cancelled all of his doctors appointment for about 20 years.  So Saturday I spent 6 hours at South Shore Hospital because it didn't look like he was going to make it through the night.  When I finally saw him I lost it; he looked EXACTLY how my grandma did a couple days before she passed away.  So I broke down because one, he's my Puppa and I only feel close to him because I used to go to his house with Grandma ALL the time and bring him his favorite cake.  We always had tea and the chocolate covered cherry cake we would make him on occasion.  So my Auntie Ellen took me for a walk and once we got back we all went down to the cafeteria to get food since they were moving him into a private room.  Man, was he still feisty as ever though getting angry at people.  He yelled at my Uncle Pete when OJ got spilled on him by his own doing.  He looked at Uncle Pete and said "Look what you just did!" It was soo funny!  We hung out for a little while and then said our goodbyes.  Dad said that the doctors said he would get through the night, but they're not too sure about the week.  So last night I just sat and watched TV.  This morning I slept in and watched Say Yes to the Dress and then watched my favorite movie Life As We Know It.  Stacee came and got me and we went to a movie and then dinner.  She came back up to my dorm since she hasn't seen it yet and then she went home.  Now I am sitting in my sauna of a room watching the first episode to the final season of Desperate Housewives!  Hopefully I won't be too busy this week so I can keep up on my blog!  For now I got to catch up with my ladies from Wisteria Lane!

    Tuesday, September 20, 2011

    Teen Mom Tuesday...oh and 90210

     Today I almost fell asleep in psych.  Not because I was tired, but it was because it's SO BORING right now.  I get that you have to learn about all the boring stuff first before you can get to the good stuff, but COME ON!!! I spent 2 hours listening to my professor lecture about intelligence and whether or not it's based on genetics or atmosphere.  TWO HOURS!!!! It took a lot of strength to keep my eyes open, it was not easy at all.  So I just flipped through the slide show on my computer italicizing every key point, because that was more interesting.  We were talking about how if you lock a child up his intelligence level will never be met since he wasn't taught early enough.  I thought that with that point maybe he would bring up ferile (spelling?) children, something that I think is pretty interesting, but nope just continued to talk.  But we did get a short lesson about what causes twins to be identical or fraternal, some people didn't know what was different in the way they are conceived.  Once I got back to my room I ate ramen noodles because it was cold and rainy today!  Then I had math, joyous math, I know what he's talking about but I take notes anyway to not loose my attention.  He's sooo boring and talks to us like we're 5 years old.  He is not very fun to have as a teacher; and he says the same things OVER AND OVER again in the same like 3 sentences.  I get it! You want us to go on ALEKS, but why?!? We're not getting graded on it, and you're teaching us the same exact thing as what ALEKS would be teaching me!  So you made me take a 45 minute diagnostic test so it can tell me what I already know!?  Algebra: pretty good, could use some improvement.  Geometry: Really needs to work on it.  Thanks ALEKS I had NO idea about my proficiency in those subjects. Wow, you really opened my eyes.  I have to spend 3 hours on this site per week.  It's mandatory, but sometimes ALEKS will lose your hours so you may or may not get credit for your 3 hours. REALLY?! I hate math, it's just a HUGE pain in the butt.  Why did mathematicians need to make our lives more difficult by adding letters into mathematical equations? I'm perfectly content on just know how to add, subtract, multiple and divide.  I'm ok with it, I swear.  Oh well, that's my rant on math.  Well on the TV line up for tonight I have 90210, which I missed the season opener, but oh well what can you do?  Then it's the special 90-minute Teen Mom.  Seriously, Amber annoys me.  You are the one who caused all this trouble with yourself, not Gary.  You're the one who hit him a couple times, and he did nothing because he knew he would get in trouble if he hit you.  So I have no sympathy for you, crying on tv about CPS, you did it to yourself and now you have to live with the consequences.  Maci's my favorite she's so good, and Ryan I don't know about him.  What you see on the show is sometimes right, while other times it's conflicting with all of his stories and Maci's stories.  I guess they will only know the truth and tv just creates this drama.  Reality tv is pretty much scripted in a way.  I'm sure their conversations are real, but the producers are like oh well you can be the "villain" character.  Makes for good tv.  Farrah, hmm, she needs to lay off the bratty attitude sometimes, well most of the time.  As for Caitlin and Tyler, I don't have anything bad to say about them.  Maybe that when Caitlin does her narrating when it's their part of the show I wish she didn't yell into the microphone.  It always makes me jump.  You go for nice and quiet to: ME AND TYLER FOUND OUT THAT LIVING ON OUR OWN WAS TOO EXPENSIVE... Capital letters are for her yelling.  Just tone it down a bit.  Well I'm excited to watch it anyway, even though I have some complaints it's still a really good show.  So while I watch 90210 I'm going to fold my laundry after I get it in a few minutes.  Alright, well goodnight everyone!

    Monday, September 19, 2011

    I Have Some Explaining!

    I know, I know I haven't blogged in like 3 days but I have very good reasons. On friday I ate a buffalo chicken wrap and french fries with a large coke, I didn't feel well at all.  So I went to bed early so I could be feeling better by the time Saturday morning came around so I could go see BRADLEY!! So I woke up Saturday still feeling eh, but good enough to go to Brad's school.  I had sooo much fun! We haven't seen each other in awhile so it was very nice being able to see his school and meet his friends. Oh, and to just spend time with him!  We had dinner at his school, which didn't make me feel too well, but apparently in his particular dining hall a lot a people don't feel good after eating there.  I don't know, but after a little while I felt a lot better.  Sunday his Grammy came and got me to take me back since she was the one who took me up there; and when I got back I didn't feel good at all again.  But this time was different.  I'm not going to get into specifics, because that would be gross so I'm just going to say that I was experiencing the symptoms of a UTI.  Which every girl can relate, well pretty much, and they SUCK! I was in tears on the phone with my dad trying to convince him to get me.  He told me that if he came to pick me up that it would do me NO good to be home since I wouldn't be able to go to the doctors until the morning anyway.  So I finally agreed and got off the phone with him.. Both Mom and Dad said to go to the dining commons to get a huge thing of cranberry juice to drink to help with everything until the morning.  So I did.  I filled up my 32 fl ounce water bottle with cranberry juice.  Then when it got down to 8 fl. ounces I went down to the snack bar to get another, oh I don't know, another 24 ounces.  So within like a span of 12 hours I drank 56 fl. ounces in cranberry juice.  This morning I e-mailed my Chinese teacher to tell her I wouldn't be able to go to her class because I had a doctors appointment at 10. I went down to the health clinic and they are sooo nice down there! hahah! They did the routine medical history stuff, and then I had to pee in a cup.  I was in the bathroom and had the sudden urge to pee, like these pesky UTI make you have, and I missed the cup.  I told the nurse and she said that it's ok that it usually happens with UTIs and to come back at 1.  I did and while I was waiting I relized that the big basket of free condoms it really just out in the open, and I saw some kid take like a huge handful before he walked out.  We made eye contact, and it was awkward. AHAHHA! But needless to say I got to pee in a cup again and actually made it! hahah!  She told me that I definitely had a UTI and gave me my medicine and sent me on my way.  I was able to make my Expos class where my paper was picked to be reviewed during writers workshop, which is the MOST awkward thing ever! Because you know what you wrote so she asked us to read the papers and I read mine to see if I spotted any mistakes, which I did.  However, everyone seemed to really like my paper so I was happy about that.  They told me the only thing to change was to review my sentence structure, and a better hook.  My teacher said that she really liked my paper when she graded them individually.  Not too shabby for my first college paper!  Well, the new "Two and a Half Men" is on so I can't wait to see how Ashton Kutcher does! Ta-ta for now!

    Thursday, September 15, 2011

    It's JERZDAY!!!!!!!!!

    Well last night I was very tired, I was actually falling asleep on my computer I was so tired.  Anyways today, well tonight really, there was a hypontist, who was VERY R-rated like the flyer said!  His name was Frank Santos Jr. and he's from Rhode Island, so by default his acccent is slightly annoying but whatever. You may ask, 'R-rated'?" Well, my friends I will answer that.  Most of his hyponitic jokes had a lot to do with the male anatomy, and losing of one's male anatomy.  Let's just say there was a guy running around the auditorium trying to catch his, umm, well peepee! hahaha! Funniest thing I've seen.  There was a kid who had a go to the bathroom so bad, but didn't know where the bathroom was and he couldn't understand what the audience was saying.  Poor kid, he was so confused, but it was SOOO funny! I was also very hot today, like muggy and gross. I actually broke a sweat getting dressed and walking to and from the bathroom, which is a mere ten steps.  Just to show how hot it is.  I actually put the fan up to my face and kept it there for like ten minutes.  It ended up POURING and now it's actually pretty chilly out so the gust of wind are blowing cool air into our room!  Which is so nice! I don't know why but I am STARVING! I had pizza and a salad for supper and ice cream for dessert; maybe all the laughing I did made me hungry. Which leads me to another point my floor was suppose to put on a midnight pancake party at percisely 11:59 pm and now it's cancelled. Even though I have an 8:30 am class tomorrow I was gunna go! There was going to be lots o'pancake mix with toppings galore, and now it's cancelled. Great now I have nothing to look forward to except for Jersey Shore, and I have to find something more to eat.  OHH I forgot there's vending machines downstairs..maybe they'll have a candy bar I just want something sweet and I don't wanna walk down the HUGE hill by my res hall.  Call me lazy I don't care, that hill's HUGE! It is not going to be a fun winter this year.  However I think I have found a way to get around for the winter. I'll just have to take the long way, in the bitter cold... It's alright, I'll be ok...thanks for the concern! =) I'm listening to Miss B. Spears right now, she's so awesome. Her video for "I Wanna Go" is really good hahah! Personally I like her song "How I Roll", it has a nice beat! =) AHHH 15 minutes until Jersey Shore!! Oh on the topic of the JS, if you watch it, or have seen an episode, you'll know how Pauly D (my favorite by the way) always says "YEAAAHHH BUUUUDDDDYYYYY!" All the time! Well, we asked our Chinese prof how you would say that in Chinese. And she told us and it's soo funny! I don't know the exact spelling but it's pronounce "Die (Dai, is the actual spelling) Poyo" AHAHAH soo funny, I've been saying it soo much, so now I know how to say yeah buddy, hi and goodbye in Chinese and that's about it. Well I'm gunna see if there's any candy down stairs! Night!

    Tuesday, September 13, 2011

    Teen Mom Tuesdays!!!!!

     Well today I had a 2 hour psych lecture, and it's funny because the stuff that we're going over is actually review on some material for me so SCORE! I also had math and in that class I've been learning things I learned in the 7th that's extra review! hahah! OH! So today I was supposed to meet with my psych group in the library, I texted one of the girls and was like "Hey what part of the library are we meeting at?" She said "Oh they didn't tell you? We're meeting tomorrow at 6:30."  NO, NO ONE TOLD ME!!!! So now I wasted like 20 minutes sitting in the library wondering where the heck everyone was! I gave you my number and email and I didn't receive EITHER! See, that's why I don't particularly like group work, because something always goes wrong.  Either you are the only one who does any of the work and the rest of the group is moochers.  OR everyone just like excludes you! Maybe they're just jealous that I got all seven names of the seven dwarfs! I can't help that I'm a wiz at Disney! =) But on the plus side I found out the other day that Lady Antebellum is playing at Brad's school, so I sent him a text saying, "Lady Antebellum is going to be at  school on December 15 can we please please go?!?!??!!??!?!?!??!?!? He said yeah so I bought the tickets today! AHHH I'm so excited! And their tickets weren't that expensive off of Ticketmaster I save like a lot than buying them off his school's site! So SWEET!! I am soo excited! But I have developed a plan since the concerts on a Thursday and it takes an absurd amount of time to get to and from Brad's school, I am going to miss my last class on Thursday that's at like 2:30. Because if I left after I wouldn't make it there in time for Lady A.  Then I will have to miss my Friday classes which is only two and one really isn't a class it's more of a discussion type thing.  But in order for this to be ok in my books, and my mom's, since I told her first, I can't miss any day unless I am dying of some sort of weird illness that causes me to not get out of bed.  Even if I slip on ice and twist my ankle, I'll suffer! That way going to see Lady A will be a good job present to myself, and of course being able to see Brad will be AMAZING too! =) So that's my plan and I'm sticking to it! Mark my word I will not miss school or any class until Dec. 15th and 16th! I will return home on the 18th.  OH and I will bring all of my work so I can do my homework on the 3 hr train ride! See, I'm such a smart person! You have to reward yourself someway! And mine will be seeing Bradley and Lady A! AWESOME! Well, Teen Mom's coming on in exactly 3 mins and it's a 90 min special so I'm gunna peace out! =)

    Monday, September 12, 2011


    I noticed there was some spelling mistakes in my 9/11 blog, but you all know what I meant.  And in my defense I woke up at like 6:30 am for no reason, and I was very tired when I wrote that blog towards the end. So sorry! =)

    Day...I don't even know, I lost count

    I'm just going to start off by saying I love college.  I had a 2 hour Expos. class and she let us out 20 minutes early.  That NEVER happened in high school!!! My Psych. professor let us out 45 mins early on Friday, which was a blessing because it was a 830 am class for two hours too.  I like this whole sense of "Well, I don't have anything left to say, so uh you all can leave" it's AWESOME. I also like when you have book discussions and you throw something out in the open, the teacher accepts it and wants to know more.  Rather than saying "Oh well I see where you can get that from, but that's not the point I'm trying to make."  I love this! Can I stay in college FOREVER?! I would like the idea of that, however, I wouldn't like the debt.  Hmmm...what's happening for tomorrow? Well I have psych again for 2 hours then a break and then good old math.  My teacher's a complete idiot.  I'm sorry, even though this is a non-credited course we still need someone who can actually teach.  This guy failed his own math quiz...really FSU...REALLY?!?!  Good thing they have free tutors here.  So I am NOT looking forward to that class whatsoever, especially since it's two hours; and I tend to get really hungry during those 2 hour classes.  Maybe I'll buy me a snack beforehand.  Yep, that's what I am going to do!  Like today an Expos I was STARVING my stomach hurt soo bad, so as soon as I got home I stuffed my face with trail mix.  Then had baked ziti and salad for supper.  I don't particularly care for the tomato sauce here since it's kind of sweet.  I can only eat a little bit of it before it gets too gross.  Hence the side salad.  I have eaten so much since I came here, and I'm somewhat OK with it!  However, I did save $50 bucks on walking shoes from footlocker, so HELLO gym!  Gotta use them some how.  Plus it feels nice when you work out, I feel like I have accomplished something.  AND I paid for the gym when I paid my fees might as well get my money's worth right?  Because those were pretty pricey fees.  OH Chinese is getting more and more difficult by the day! It's fun but I think I'm going to take more French. Why not? I got as far as 4 years how about 3 1/2 more.  Maybe whenever I go back I can speak with a real French accent instead of my horrible American/French accent.  Plus, you look pretty cool if you're bilingual to a lot of people.  Personally, I think people who are trilingual are amazing.  Because that's a lot of languages to remember all the rules for.  Heck I forget half of the rules in French sometimes.  Like lui, and leur I always get them mixed up.  But if I take 3 1/2 years of college level courses...HELLO bilingual Cyndie.  I could be like a French tutor on the side of my English teacher job.  See how well this would all pan out.  That's it I'm officially going to minor in French! YAY!!! I FOUND MY MINOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =) Well, that's all I got for tonight, I promise I will start doing these daily again, but sometimes homework, and Jersey Shore are more important! ;)

    Sunday, September 11, 2011

    9/11/01 we will never forget

    Today, as everyone knows, is the 10th anniversary of the most devastating day in the 21st century.  It was, and still is, a day of disbelief and sorrow.  Today I watched the unveiling of the WTC memorial and the families of the fallen come together to admire the beautiful memorial and touch their loved one's names etched into the plaques of the memorial.  Ten years have passed and to many, myself included, it feels as if it was only yesterday.  September 11th forever changed the world, and my generation.  My peers and I were only 8 or 9 years old when 9/11 happened, and even though we were young, we still remember our feelings and thoughts that raced through our minds. I still remember being in the 3rd grade, getting ready for school when my mom called my grandma saying that she wasn't going to be home that day.  She told Grandma to turn the tv on and Grandma told me to go wake up my uncle and tell him to turn his tv on as well.  I, being my 8 year old self and having no idea how evil the world can be, thought that the billowing smoke was actually a tornado in Virginia and that's why my mom wasn't going to be home.  Crazy I know, but I remember that my grandma and I gathered in my uncle's room, watching the tv.  That is when I was able to read the headline of the news, still confused since I had NO idea what terrorist were and what they did.  I remember standing in the door way with my grandma, I believe she was crying, however I don't remember that too well.  But I do remember that I started to cry a little, not because I understood what was going on, but because I was scared.  I was scared because whatever was going on I knew wasn't good at all and many people were hurting.  Once I was dropped off at school I remember saying the Pledge of Allegiance and having a brief moment of silence and a small prayer.  They were very vague about the events in the prayer only asking for comfort for the hurt.  My class started to ask each other and the teacher, Mrs. Arnett, what was going on.  She was instructed not to tell us what had happened and when we asked her.  If you ask anyone where they were that day, all who were old enough to remember can tell you their location and the conversations they had that day.  My generation lost our innocence, in a way, we no longer saw the world as a happy places and sugar coated; instead we knew the evil and the horrors of mankind and what they are capable of doing.  Personally, I think that people have lost the idea of how important this day is.  I have noticed that over the past couple year, the moments of silence aren't as often, and people over look the day as if it was just another day of life.  And I know that their becomes a time where the grieving is over and people do move on from tragedies.  But I think this day should NEVER be looked over, it is a day of history that changed this country forever, and it should get the respect it deserves.  Not only for America, but for the families, the fallen heroes of the NYPD, and NYFP, and the Port Authority.  And shall we never forget our troops, those who have passed fighting the war against terrorism and our freedom, and those who are still serving today.  9/11 is a day of sorrow no matter what.  We lost many of our neighbors, we may not of known any of the fallen, but they are still our neighbors.  Firefighters and Police officers risk their lives everyday to help others and that is why they are heroes.  And those who ran into those towers, not thinking about their own safety, are our super heroes. So we honor them on this day.  Even if this sounds silly I will dedicate this blog post to the victims of the flights, the towers and the Pentagon. Also to the fallen heroes of regular civilians, firefighters, and police who did their jobs above and beyond.  To the families of the fallen, thoughts and prayers are with you always. Finally, our troops who continue to fight for us, and those who have.  You all have my utmost respect. 

    Friday, September 9, 2011

    Polar Bear on the Attack

    That was the headline on the new like 30 seconds ago.  I know, I know I didn't write in my blog last night, and there's a good reason for it.  Well one, Jersey Shore was on and you know I can't miss my boy Pauly D ;) and two I had an 8:30 Psych lecture! So sorry for the delay.  And if any one's curious about Jersey Shore, I CAN'T BELIEVE RONNIE AND SAMMI ARE BACK TOGETHER!!! Ahhhhh they're sooo annoying!!  Any way, after Jersey Shore I went to bed. Then this morning I took a shower got dressed and went down for breakfast.  Where I made my own waffle, we have a waffle maker and it's fun.  Although my waffle came out a little flimsy.  After that I went to psych and it was alright, had to read 20 pages and take notes, no big deal or anything.  Then I had Chinese which is always fun, and then I had foundations; which is a class that's supposed to help us with registering for classes and how to manage college life in effective ways. After that I came home and started on my mountainous load of homework, took a break and went to dinner because I was STARVING, and then finished up.  Now I only have to write the first draft of a one page essay and I'm all done for the weekend. After a while of being done with my homework I just was online, youtube and facebook...the usual.  Then I went down to the Ram's Den because I was hungry again and got a small quesadilla. When I got back Brad and I skyped for a bit! I can't wait to see him in a couple weeks!!!! =)  And as of right now we were watching the news since everyone's talking about the possible Terror attacks on or around the 10th anniversary of 9/11.  I know for a fact that to be on the safe side I will not take any trains this weekend.  Even though Boston isn't one of their targets, but you never know what will happen with things like this.  So I just would like to remain on the safe side, as the governor said to do.  Although it would be really nice to go to some of the ceremonies that will be taking place on Sunday.  However, I do believe that my school will be holding a vigil that I will go to, just to do something to commemorate this unbelievable anniversary.  Even though I didn't lose anyone personally, to me, and many Americans, 9/11 has a very special place in my heart and I have always wanted to do something.  Whether it be plant flowers or simply just stand in a moment of silence for the people and heroes who lost their lives.  If there's nothing going on maybe I'll just do my own moment of silence for everyone! Sounds good to me! Well I am going to watch a bit more tv then go to sleep, because today was a LONG day. NIGHT!

    Wednesday, September 7, 2011

    First Day of Classes...In the Right Classes!

    Today I had my Elementary Chinese class...yes, you read that right I'm going to be learning Mandarin Chinese! =) I also had Expos. Writing, which is linked to the Chinese class.  In Chinese I will be able to write, or is it draw, 200 Chinese characters; I AM EXCITED!!! Unlike French, which is a language I can speak pretty well, Chinese has like thousands upon thousands of characters and not a strict ABC's.  Their pronunciation is EVERYTHING to them also.  There can be one character for like 12 words, yet the meaning changes with the pronunciation of the symbol.  Weird, I know, so this will be a very challenging class.  Professor Stadler-Chester showed a sentence and everything thing sounded like ma ma ma ma ma ma ma...mama, when she translated it, by using the different inflections, the sentence was "Did the instructor scold the horse, or did the horse scold the instructor?" See, weird...anyways it's a really small class only 13 people, 12 girls and 1 boy! Poor Craig, that's his name.  The same people in my Chinese class are actually the same people in my Expos. class, so that's really nice.  Dr. Matthews just finished her PhD while living in Northern Ireland, where her husband is from.  And it's really funny because she has a bit of an Irish accent so it's really funny.  Mostly because she said she's from Milwaukee so she's like all-American! Haha! I already have an essay due Monday...I am not in high school anymore, that's for sure.  After classes I came back to my room and did my homework the book we have to read for Expos is really interesting so far.  Dr. Matthews is encouraging us to be active readers which I LOVE to do, and since I bought my novels for her class I am soo excited to highlight and right in margins!  I did a lot of it in tonight's homework! So much fun!  After getting homework done Meredith and I went to have dinner and get ready for bingo!  Once we got in line, Meredith said she was just going to chill in our room, which was cool with me I just wanted to play bingo.  When I got closer to the door there was 10 people ahead of me, and they only had 6 more seats, so I missed my first FSU bingo.  Which at FSU is a big deal! You need to get in line like an hour early, which I will definitely do next time! So I just came back to my room did a little more homework and Facebooked, and now this!  I think I might watch a movie now!

    Tuesday, September 6, 2011

    First Day of Classes

    So you always imagine the first day of school going amazingly well, I did, but I was sooo wrong!  Don't get me wrong, my first "class" (you'll find out why there's a reason for the quotes) was good I really liked the teacher, until I found out that wasn't my actual class.  Turns out FSU screwed up my schedule.  Here, I'll back track.  In the beginning of June I logged on to myframingham, a site we are all members of to mange classes and pay bills, I checked out my classes and was like sweet I know my schedule.  I had Gen. Psych, Expos. Writing, Chinese, and math, sweet.  Well then came June 25th, freshman orientation for English and History majors.  During this time we were issued a schedule and I had all new classes, well I was missing Chinese and instead had Effective Speaking, but whatever I was like maybe I'll take that next semester.  So I bought all the books I needed for my supposed classes.  Today I was ready to go knew my Expos (Expository Writing) class was at 1230, went to lunch and all was good.  Then I got to class, he didn't mention anything about the book I bought and Writing China, the Expos class linked to Elementary Chinese, that's when the red flag popped up.  UH-OH I'M THAT KID!!!!!!!!!!! Has the wrong class and everything!  I went down to CASA which is an academic center to maybe try to get some answers.  I told them that I didn't know which of the TWO, count 'em TWO, schedules to follow the lady goes "Well, you need to follow myframingham" No "oh I'm sorry let me see what you're talking about" just a rude mean lady to a little tiny freshman who's on the verge of tears for the fact that I probably just made the WORST impression to my college professors. That's serious business.  I RAN, backpack in all, back to my dorm room and started flipping through my survival guide I was given trying to find some answers. Couldn't find it.  I went down the to desk attendant and asked her what to do since my RA was in class.  She told me I should follow the schedule on myframingham since those are the classes I'm registered in.  So I went back upstairs called Stacee, crying, telling her I didn't know what to do.  I found that the paper schedule said Office of Registrar, so she told me to go down there once I collected myself.  I went back downstairs and asked where this office was and she told me where to go. When I got there the guy just shrugged his shoulders at me and said, "Just follow myframingham, those are the classes you need." THEN HE JUST WALKED AWAY.  I walked back to my dorm holding back tears cause I didn't want people to look at me funny and be like what's this girls problem.  I called Stacee back and she called them and basically then did the same thing to her just blew her off, and she ended up saying that they suck as an office. HAHA! But while she did that I called Mom upset because I was like I can't believe I missed my first classes, I was very upset.  Then her and Stacee told me to go down to the Office of Registrar and demand an answer and say I wouldn't leave until I had the right schedule in my hands.  I did and the guy who helped me before was like "Well, we don't handle that you need to go to CASA they do schedule and talk to your advisor", because by that time he realized he was dealing with a freshman who was very frustrated and confused.  I marched back down to CASA and the new lady was soooooo nice.  She helped me right away and I explained EVERYTHING I possibly could and she fixed everything for me.  Because I couldn't see when my psych class was and she was like oh you just need to click the course number, WELL thanks FSU for telling me that when it's a bit too late.  After I told her about today's travels she looked at me and said, "You, my friend, have had a very tough day, but I promise it gets better.  And there's no need to worry about missing your first day many people do since we're still in the add/drop period and there was a power outage yesterday, so don't even stress about it." That calmed me down a lot, I felt less like a slacker HAHA! Then came the returning of the books.  I couldn't find the receipts so I was hopeful that maybe they would let me return them if I gave them my card and ID of something.  So I run to the book store since it closed in 20 minutes and I set the alarm off with the books.  The lady looks at me and she's like what are you doing with these books?!? Well first off lady, I don't steal, and if you keep up this unneeded attitude I will punch you in the face, let's go.  Of course I didn't say that, that's just plain mean, instead I said "I need to return these" "Well do you have the receipts?" "No..." "Well then you can try but it probably won't happen."  Well thanks for that reassuring...  I get in line and once I get up there the girl tells me I need to find the receipts or print out my bank statement, that has the purchase.  OK that's fair.  I said "If I come back in 10 mins will I be able to return them?" She said "Yep you just need to stand in line again" So I RAN as fast as I could back to my dorm found on receipt in my drawer and the other at the top of my trash and ran back down there out of breath, showing the mean grouchy lady I had my receipts this time. =P I got them returned and then rented the right psych book.  No I am all set with everything, thankfully, and I'm in a much better mood.  Hoping that tomorrow goes by extremely well, guess this is the whole growing up figuring things out on your own your parents tell you about your entire life.  Because today mad me wanna go back to high school where everything's always all set up for you in a not confusing way at all.  But I'm glad that I got it all straightened out and will be attending the RIGHT classes tomorrow.  So technically that will be the first day of classes for me!

    Monday, September 5, 2011

    Day Five

    Today I still had the room to myself, but I was out and about doing things for the most part.  Like I went and had lunch with this girl who can hula hoop like a pro.  It was kind of awkward only because I didn't have anyone to eat with and neither did she so it was that awkward conversation exchanges, like "How about this weather, it doesn't know if it wants to rain or be sunny".  Whatever it was really nice to have someone to sit with.  Although I've learned in the five days I've been in college people actually like sitting by themselves; unlike high school where every one's like "OMG do like we go up to them and ask if they want to sit with us?!?! Look at this poor kid!!!" Which is nice because if you do end up sitting by yourself people don't look at you like you're a social outcast.  Anywho, after lunch I decided to do my laundry so I have all clean clothes for the first week of being a college student.  A lot of people weren't sure how to do their laundry, actually a kid posted on FB if a girl would come and help him! HAHA! But in the middle of doing my laundry I made a friend who actually lives right next door.  We bonded over the fact that there were people doing the macarena outside our windows and how the girl next door to them airs her dirty laundry out to EVERYONE.  She's always yelling at her boyfriend on the phone!  Her and her roommate invited me to dinner with them and another friend, who is HYSTERICAL! Then Meredith got home so I met up with her  so we could all see comedian Richie Holliday.  He was soooooooooo funny oh my gosh my stomach hurt from laughing so much! hahah! He has very crude humor, and I thought oh well this is a school I'm sure he's going to be like censored and stuff.  Nope, not at all, it was like being at an actual comedy show.  After that we went home and I took a shower.  When I came out is when the adventure began.  I found out that I was locked out of my room! So I went next door to Shauna and Caitlin's room and hung out there.  And would check my door occasionally to see if Meredith was back yet.  After like 30 minutes I decided to walk downstairs and tell the desk attendant I was locked out, which wasn't as embarrassing as I thought it would be.  They just shared stories about all the times they've been locked out.  However this did teach me to ALWAYS bring my key, even to the shower.  After I was let back in I put my towel and shower caddy away and hung out with Shauna, Caitlin, Netta, and Tyler.  It was sooo much fun. I came home when Meredith did, just because she has an early morning class and I didn't want to come in while she was sleeping, turn on my computer and type.  Plus I like hanging out with her, we always have a good time! Well that's it for now!

    Sunday, September 4, 2011

    Day Four

    Today I had the room completely to myself.  Why? Well thanks for asking! My roommate's friend needed her and asked if she would spend the night at her house to help her with whatever she was going through.   Meredith told me she felt really bad, but I told her not to worry I'll be A.OK! So I spent my day texting Brad and my mom, watching a movie, then watching Keeping Up With the Kardashians until my dad came to get me to take me to get my chair cut and out to dinner.  When I say I got my hair cut I really mean that I got it trimmed and thinned out and I cut my bangs to a shorter length.  No drastic changes here!  Then my dad and I went to dinner at Chipotle where I ate my ENTIRE burrito bowl, which for me is a very big accomplishment!  Actually me finishing ANYTHING there is a big accomplishment.  After Dad dropped me off I decided to put the extension cord to use that he brought me.  At first I could not figure out why my lamp, fan and alarm weren't plugging into the slots.  So I  calling Dad saying that it wasn't working.  Turns out that you really have to shove the plugs into the outlets just for them to stay in.  So I did that, then just sat and watched tv.  After all, it is the day of rest! =) After lounging around I took a shower just in time to catch the 9/11 special on TLC called "Heroes of the 88th floor", it was very good and interesting.  And as of right now I am just finishing up part one of the Keeping Up With the Kardashians season finale.  I don't particularly like Kim's husband Kris...he's a little annoying...just saying.  That's all I have to say for tonight!

    Saturday, September 3, 2011

    Day Three

    Today Stacee, Auntie Lindsay, and Heather took me out for a "girls day"! It was supposed to be when Auntie Lindsay and Stacee dropped off some stuff for my room, but we aren't allowed to have visitors until the first day of school in the resident halls. So we opted for lunch, getting our nail done, and shopping!  But before they even picked me up, Meredith and I went on a search for food.  We were sooooooo hungry we walked to the Cafe, only to find it was closed along with the snack bar and the Ram's Den.  So we walked towards the Library since they have a little snack place there too, but that was closed too.  We remembered that there was still hope, the juice bar in Dwight...nope it was closed!  It wasn't until a little bit ago did I remember that on the weekends there's only two meals.  Brunch and supper.  Luckily Meredith went to the store while I was out and picked up some cinnamon raisin bread, cheerios, milk and Tositio's Pizza Roll..a CLASSIC!!! =) Side note: there's some random girl doing the macarena outside my window...  Anyways, after I got back me and Meredith grabbed something for supper and came back to our room; which is now muggy because we're supposed to get storms the next 3 days.  Right now it's tolerable since we have been able to cool it down, plus it's like 68 degrees outside so that helps!  Tonight there was two different events, a talent show a karaoke.  We went to both.  At the talent show there was this AMAZING kid named Tyler who sang, it was awesome. He and his partner ended up winning since we got to send our votes in via text!  After the talent show we headed to the Grille to watch people do karaoke, since neither of us were up to humiliating ourselves during the first week of school!  When we got back I took a shower, and it was sooo nice because there was no one in there until I left; and it's getting less and less awkward.  Alright that it's for tonight, I think I'm going to head down stairs for a bit and see what's going on.

    Friday, September 2, 2011

    Day Two

    Last night went really well, I didn't really feel homesick.  Maybe because we stayed up really late and by the time my head hit that pillow I was OUT! I woke up, obviously hahah, and decided to try my hand at these communal bathrooms.  Weirdest thing ever, and it going to take some getting used to.  There's 5 stalls with a good size changing area for each, then comes the actual shower...DUN DUN DUUUUNNN!  Let's just say it took me about two minutes to figure out how the dang thing turned on! But after that it was fine.  Maybe after a few uses I'll be totally used to it and understand how it all functions.  Me and my roommate, Meredith, went to breakfast, I think the Ram's Den was thing open because we must have missed the actual cafe's breakfast.  Regardless we still got fed.  One thing I do love about college is they just feed you ALL THE TIME!!! And let me tell you, with this campus and the absurd amount of hills you need all the food you need!  For lunch they had a "Freshmen Kickoff BBQ"  Which was DELICIOUS! They had a ton of banks offering different deals, and of course they came up to us pitching their accounts and features.  Meredith and I felt bad, but we threw the flyers away that we received.  I also got to buy my psych book, used, since I couldn't rent it.  There's lots of notes in there already! hahah! We came back to the room and I finished decorating my side of the room once I figure out how to post pictures on here I definitely will, but for now I'll upload it to Facebook.  I also organized my desk, and I did it very well in my opinion! Also I found out how cold this microfridge really gets, seeing that my Brita pitcher was frozen into a HUGE ice block, and the cokes were a little frosty on the outside.  So I stuck in on our window sill since the sun was beating down on it; after an hour it was finally defrosted and seems not to freeze again!  After supper we went to play trivia where we met some people since we played in teams.  Now, I thought that the trivia was going to be like pop culture, but it wasn't.  Instead it was like these ridiculously hard brain teasers.  There were a couple where I was like "HEY I know that one!!!" but not too many.  Now I am back in my hot dorm room counting down the hours until Stacee delivers my 15 ft extension cord so I can FINALLY use my desk lamp, alarm clock and put the fan by my face. Which will be great because we're supposed to have thunderstorms the next couple days, and that means lot of humidity! Welcome to life in the metro-west where snow, rain, and thunderstorms happen a lot.
    P.S. just saw the button that lets you post pictures so I will include photo!
    P.S.S Just kidding it was taking WAAAAYYYY too long Facebook it is!

    Thursday, September 1, 2011

    Move In Day!

    Today I moved into my college dorm and OFFICIALLY became a college student! WOOO-HOOO!!!! The move actually wasn't too bad.  They had FSU upperclassmen help move us Freshies in, and they did it pretty quickly too.  When I went to sign in to get my key and ID they asked if I was moving in, obviously I said yes, or else I would be one lost kid if I didn't know where I was going! The helpers all cheered when I said I was moving into Larned Hall.  WOOOOOOOO!!! Next came meeting my roommate, Meredith, who I seem to have A LOT in common with so this will be a fun year! I unpacked a lot with the help of Mom and Dad, however I still need to hang a lot of my pictures up.  So far I only have my Eiffel Tower painting up.  The walls look kind of bland with nothing on them.  We had supper and then attended our floor meeting where we learned the inner workings of the campus.  And when NOT to knock on our RA's door, or call campus police.  Whose number they had us put in our phones! Haha! After our meeting it was time for the "Oasis Dance" in the old gym, which in my opinion and many others was very awkward and pretty much like going to your first high school dance.  It was a solid effort though, something to get us out of our rooms and getting associated with each other.  Meredith and I decided that we wanted to just walk around campus a couple times; since it is a really nice night out and our room was, and still kind of is, warm.  FSU is a very small campus so we walked around in its entirety.  As of right now, it feels like it should be way later than it actually is, but I'm not that tired.  Must be all the adrenaline and excitement of today's events! =) Well that's it for this post, I'm going to head to bed soon...I don't know if I change in my room or bathroom...this is all confusing hahahah! Goodnight everyone!